Here's just a small sampling of the outreach treasures we've helped preserve over the years.


2018 Glen Lerner, Metropolitan South East Police & My Father’s House Church

November 19, 2018 thanksgiving community free 200 Turkey Giveaway Day. 



Chicago Heights, IL L & L Roundtree Property Group.

August 12, 2010 Financial Destination Group food and clothing drive outreach giveaway.



2008 thanksgiving Day

Feeding the homeless a meal to remember.

My Father’s House Ministries monthly outreach feeding the poor

My Father’s House Ministries monthly outreach feeding the poor

My Father’s House Church & Three Square Meal community block party, free hotdog and tons of food give-a-way day.

My Father’s House Church & Three Square Meal community block party, free hotdog and tons of food give-a-way day.

Outreach Ministries operating out of Chicago, Los Angeles and Las Vegas. Their mission from medical, home visits, feed the hungry and LAPD food drive is to help in taking care of the men, women, and children throughout America, the poor at heart.